An ice rink without the proper use of digital display is a sporting facility that is simply inadequate and inefficient. Digital displays make the ice rink more useful especially when there is a game to watch. Considering that spectators will be seated all over the arena, the digital signs will help to keep them in the loop and involved if they are not at the center of the ice rink. In addition to increasing efficiency, digital signs also serve many other benefits for the ice rink.
Uses of Digital Signage in the Rink
When using digital signage, proper positioning is crucial. Based on where the signs are placed they will serve specific purposes. For example, a sign that is situated at the front of the arena might be primarily used for promotional purposes and advertising, while a sign on the inside of the stadium would be principally focused on event-specific images when an event is taking place. The signs that are placed in the surrounding area will be seen when customers are lining up to enter or when they are leaving and buying snacks. Many people also hang around this area before, during and after the game. Consequently, there are a substantial number of people who are exposed to any information that is displayed there. The inside of the rink, however, is where most of the viewership will take place. Once you can define the target audience and the volume of visitors that will arrive at the game, at that point you can decide what you should use the signage to display, to maximize efficiency within the rink.
Provide Information
It is a good idea to use the entrance of the rink to provide information to the spectators entering the building. When there is a game in progress, you can display images to let people know what is going on in the building. You can show them who is playing and give quick contextual details about the game. You can also provide information about events that will take place at the rink soon, to encourage customers to come out to these events too.
A digital display screen at the entrance can also guide customers around the arena. They can let spectators know what to do and where to go. For example, they can show customers where to pay and where to collect tickets along with where to find the bathroom or their way into the rink to have a seat. The easier it is to find your way around the arena, the more efficient it is for visitors. Digital signage plays a big part in taking care of this.
Two of the primary sources of revenue for the rink are ticket sales and advertising. Since the ice rink is a place that pulls in many spectators throughout the year, clients would be more than glad to come on board for sponsorship in return for advertising solutions. The digital signs that are placed at the entrance are especially suitable for this purpose. You can present ad campaigns for your sponsors in this space, and it will surely reach out to a large number of visitors.
Another source of revenue for the rink is through sales. Whether the sales are for snacks or merchandise, you can use the signs to induce individuals to make a purchase. You can directly get this done by displaying the sale items and advertising a call to action. Many times spectators just need to have the idea suggested to them, to spend some money, and this is good enough to encourage them to get something to eat or purchase.
During a Game
Even though other activities take place in an ice rink, games most certainly can bring in the large crowds. So they are an essential part of the rink's planning and management. Sports are a big business. For any game, there are the fanatics who will not fail to arrive and provide their support to their team. You will also have people coming in looking for something fun, to spend their evenings.
The game alone will not always be able to create an entertaining experience for them. It is still needed to try to manage other factors to guarantee a great event. As the operator of the rink, you will need to put some effort into the planning of the user experience, so that the event runs smoothly. The management of the media related aspect of the game will be a significant part of this planning process; with the use of digital signage, you will be able to take care of a handful of media-related concerns. This makes them one of the most important things to pay attention to before, during and after the event.
Display game scores
As the game progresses, the scores will too. Customers want to enjoy the game and be involved without having to keep the score in their heads. It makes the game even more enjoyable to watch while getting a quick glimpse of the scores, especially when it is a fast-moving and competitive game, that is a bit unpredictable. To prevent confusion, you can have it placed on the big screen so that the spectators can always know how the game is progressing. This most certainly improves efficiency and customer experience.
Display significant moments
Use the digital signs to replay significant moments within the game. During a game, there are notable moments that add to the excitement of the match. There can be an inspiring and impressive play or maybe an incidence that ended badly. When these things happen one or more persons might have missed it and want to see what happened or those who saw it might want to relive the moment. If this instant is unable to be relived, then this takes away from the games experience. In games where there is no replay broadcast, you will just have to rely on word of mouth, if you missed it. Game owners know how frustrating this is and so those who operate the game displays typically like to replay those moments to solicit a reaction from viewers. All of this adds to the enjoyment of the game.
Show spectators on the big screen
Spectators love to to see themselves on the big screen. Using your digital signage TV to showcase anyone on the big screen is usually a fun moment to watch. You can try to get them involved by doing challenges, or you can just merely catch them off-guard and watch their reaction, this never gets old. This goes a long way in bringing a little energy to the game. The spectators need to be having fun at all times throughout a game. The experience within your rink should always be memorable, and so you should integrate the digital signs for this use.
Keep spectators entertained during game break
There will be several breaks throughout the game. When there are game breaks, you have an obligation to try to keep the spectators engaged and entertained. Many ice rinks try to do this with performances and other on-ice activities. While these are good, you should also consider how you can use digital signage to help with this process. There are various ways to develop creative displays of all types, and undoubtedly this can serve as continued entertainment for the patrons. So you can display funny short clips or even captivating ads that you know will be a hit. The spectators should not experience any dull moments, and the energy of the rink needs to be maintained for the entire game.
Give a magnified view of what is happening on the ice
When fans are watching the games from further back, they might not be seeing all the fast moving action that is happening on the field. The back seats are more about understanding the bigger picture, and so the facial expressions and the small details might be missed in the process. With digital signage, you can give a close-up view of what is happening on the field especially at crucial moments during a game. This will help the entire rink to get a small glimpse of what exactly is happening on the ice and feel a little closer to the action.
VIP sections
Digital signage, of course, should also be placed in the VIP section so that those who are in boxes can get a chance to view whatever is being displayed on the screen within their comfort zone. VIP section gets the best view of the game in a beautiful comfy area to themselves away from the loud cheers and large crowds. However, in many of these rinks, the VIP section is also far away from the action, and so they might miss some of the details. The images that are displayed on the digital display in the center of the area should be shown on a digital TV screen in the VIP section so that they can get a detailed view of the game too.
Additional tips for digital signage use:
- There are always new trends that are going on in the world of digital signs. Keep ahead of them and try to incorporate them into your rink operations. For example, think of the interactive digital signage experience and how they can be used in the ordering or information provision.
- Try to remain current and exciting with digital displays so that viewers can find it relatable. For example, you can look at how you use social media to add to the experience since these platforms are an essential part of most people's lives today.
- Always think of new activities that involve the spectators. Digital signs can be the center of those events. For example, many stadiums like to have a dance challenge for persons within the crowd. This helps to keep the energy up, which is an integral part of a successful game.
- Be very methodical about the placement of the digital displays within the rink so that you are making the most of their use. Put them in the most strategic locations and ensure that you tailor the display messages to that specific area. For example, you can use digital menu boards in the snack area that focuses mainly on the menu items. You can have wayfinding signs close to the seating area that primarily help to guide persons to their seats.
- Think of creative ways to utilize the signs during off seasons when most of the activities are centered on persons wanting to come in and skate. The operation of the digital TV screens is not usually prioritized at these times, but they still can be put to good use.
- Think of how you can use digital signage in other places in and around the building to create an experience outside of the game area itself. Many game centers have been trying to develop additional areas where persons hang out just for the ambiance. These areas are equipped with large digital signage TVs that can be used to present the game and other forms of entertainment.
Ice rinks of all sizes are moving towards using digital signage to benefit their establishment. These tools are essential to creating a pleasant atmosphere and also to help the business earn some revenue along the way. If you do not utilize your digital signage well, your rink will not have a competitive edge in relation to customer experience and efficiency. These are quite important in pulling people into the ice rink so that you can keep the business running.